
We've all been laid low with horrible snotty noses for the past week, not too much fun.  J, a typical 2 year old, who despite being full of the cold wouldn't sit still for more than 15 mins and B who howled everytime I put him down. 
I was looking for fun, non energetic, indoor games to keep me sane J entertained! 
J is a huge sticker book fan, give him a pile of stickers and he'll keep quite 'till they're all stuck.  Not always the right way up, on the right page or even in the book!  In the spirit of reusing and recycling a new favourite is tractor stickers (he's a machine obsessed boy!). 

All you need is:
some paper for sticking the pictures on,
scissors or craft knife, glue,
some old magazines
and imagination. 

Cut out the pictures, stick some glue on the back and hand them over to your budding Picasso!  In our case, thanks to a stack of old Farmers Weekly magazines from my dad, we have tractor stickers! I even took some of the collages and drew on ploughs, balers etc to the back of the tractors.

I'm also a fan of this great website The Imagination Tree  that has loads of ideas for indoor and outdoor play and recipes for making paints, play dough etc.  I can't wait to try out her recipe for mouldable sand, just need to get to the shops to buy baby oil!


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