
This is what we woke up to on yesterday morning! It was raining when we went to bed so it was a lovely surprise when I opened the curtains!

This is the view from our kitchen window.  Now you can see why my work is full of wee birdies, leaves and flowers!
The snow just topped off a super exciting weekend for me! Ann Martin featured my work in the Fab Friday feature on her terrific blog All Things Paper and the response has been absolutely amazing! So a big hello and thank you to all you new followers who have found me!  Ann also submitted the article to CraftGawker and it's been one of the most viewed posts of the past seven days........PHENOMENAL!!!

 If you've not had a look on the site yet, go now! It's AMAZING, you will lose at least an hour of your life,....just looking at things!

I've been working on a new design this weekend for the 6x4" exhibition which takes place in Dundee next month.  The exhibition "will explore the postcard as a distinctive artistic medium in its own right".  I'm quite excited about this wee papercut and I can't wait to see the rest of the exhibition!Here's a wee sneaky peak of the sketches I've been working on........

Not giving too much away.......yet!


  1. What an inspiring, pretty view you have! I was happy to feature you and look forward to seeing the finished postcard.


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